Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Need More TIME!

The java assignment taking over my life (worth 20% of the year). it's due next week and I'm having trouble with. it makes you feel frustrated when you can't do things to the speed and quality you want. I know I'm not the only one to feel this way but we're al determined to get it done and I'm sure we'll all help each-other. I plan to make extra hours next week (LOL Cause I'm Dr. Manhattan) and hit the FYP with a awful kick in the H*L#.

OH I handed up my final project proposal today.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inspiration or not?

Being looking at my old art books for photoshop and print works and found loads of new way to make different effects.... take a look (I'm beginning to like Pink and Browns)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Images and stuff!!!!

Being working on images and stuff for the making of artwork. 
Examples Below.......


Friday, January 16, 2009

A New Hope ( AKA 2009)

New Year and all that Stuff

My mind is freaking out:( we need to have a working demo by the 9th of February. PaperVision in flash is so god dam hard. I've been trying to teach myself the code and isn’t going down too well on my slowly zombiefing face

A Java Zombie

We also have a Christmas Java Assignment to do aswell. it's worth 20% so i have to do well i need it to pass the year. I want timmys brain.
I'll keep you posted on my developments...