Friday, February 27, 2009


Had the presentation of the prototype yesterday. all went well, pat and Seamus were happy to its all good.

Friday, February 20, 2009

ah don't no wat to write. been workin of the Papervision problem...

it's a bitch.............

Saturday, February 14, 2009

i couldn't sleep last night, so i looked trough my phone a found that there is 3 fri 13ths this year. now three fri the 13ths only occur when there is a fri 13th in February and on a leep year

Also, there was an unofficial holiday square root day 3/3/09 which fall upon each century. There was a Friday the 13 on 2/13/09, today 3/13/09 and the next one is 11/13/09! The next time we'll see 3 Friday the 13ths will be in 2012! 1/13/12, 4/13/12 and 7/13/12. 2010 only having one. As for square root day the next dates are 4/4/16, 5/5/25, 6/6/36, 7/7/49, 8/8/64 and ENDS at 9/9/81.

It's funny how 13 is always left out... there are 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles of Jesus, 12 days of Christmas and 12 eggs in a dozen. What's your opinion, is there some sort of puzzle in it or just myth?

I need some sleep............

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Click and Drag


I have the click and drag thing working now. But now i need it to work for multiple movieclips and these the problem. It doesn't work........AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

I need Lizs Brain.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Click and Drag

I've now started working on the click and drag thing for making the artwork itself. i need it to click, drag, drop, rotate, and make the image bigger and smaller.

Sounds easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL