Sunday, October 5, 2008


Limerick Institute of Technology
Department of Information Technology

Proposed Final Year Project Titles for
BSc Multimedia Programming and Design 2008/2009


Student Name: Pete Delaney

Project Title: Digital Canvas Art

Suitable for
People wanting something new and interesting for there homes 2 = very suitable
People interested doing interior design 1 = suitable
People not interested in Design. 0 = unsuitable

Brief Description of the Project:

· Make your own individual art designs for canvas or framed art work.
· Use the wii remote or multi touch screen to move, rotate, scale images onto a canvas.
· Get to select your genre to get preloaded images.
· User can input the color of the room the artwork is going to be situated in and predetermined color choices will be made for you.
· Tells user which colors affect which emotions.
· User can upload own images for uses in the program.
· User has the option to play around with famous painting by the likes of Pablo Picasso, Edvard Munch, Marc Chagall, Andy Warhol and Robert Delaunay.
· User can save their work for a later date.

Special Equipments/Tools/Software, if any:

· Wii remote, multi touch screen.
· Printer.

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